Fedora Packages

1605 results found

perl-Inline-Python - Write Perl subs and classes in Python
python3-portmidi - Python 3 wrapper for portmidi
python3-prewikka - Graphical front-end analysis console for IDMEF
python2-pungi - Python 2 libraries for pungi
python3-pungi - Python 3 libraries for pungi
python2-pylibacl - POSIX.1e ACLs library wrapper for Python
python3-pylibacl - POSIX.1e ACLs library wrapper for Python
python3-pygame - Python3 modules for writing games
python3-pylint - Analyzes Python code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality
python3-pyproj - Cython wrapper to provide python interfaces to Proj
python3-pysnmp - An SNMP engine written in Python
python-Bottleneck-doc - Documentation files for python-Bottleneck
python3-Bottleneck - Collection of fast NumPy array functions written in Cython
python2-Levenshtein - Python extension computing string distances and similarities
python3-Levenshtein - Python extension computing string distances and similarities
python3-secretstorage - Python bindings to FreeDesktop.org Secret Service API
python3-alembic - Database migration tool for SQLAlchemy
python-amqp-doc - Documentation for python-amqp
python3-amqp - Client library for AMQP
python3-anyjson - Wraps the best available JSON implementation
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