Fedora Packages

693 results found

python3-colander - Simple schema-based serialization and deserialization library
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python3-colorama - Cross-platform colored terminal text
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python3-construct - A powerful declarative parser/builder for binary data
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python-copr-doc - Code documentation for python-copr package
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python3-crank - Generalization of dispatch mechanism for use across python3 web frameworks
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python3-cssselect - Parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0
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python3-daemon - Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process
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python-dbutils-doc - Tools providing solid, persistent and pooled connections to a database
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python3-debian - Modules for Debian-related data formats
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python3-dulwich - A Python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols
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python3-filelock - Documentation for filelock, A platform independent file lock
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python3-fixtures - Fixtures, reusable state for writing clean tests and more
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python-formencode-langpacks - Locale files for the python-formencode library
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