Fedora Packages

171 results found

python-binaryornot-docs - Documentation for python-binaryornot
python-biopython-doc - PDF and HTML documentation of biopython
python-bloom-doc - HTML documentation for 'python-bloom'
python-breathe-doc - Documentation files for breathe
python-bugzilla-cli - Command line tool for interacting with Bugzilla
python-caja-devel - Python bindings for Caja
python-calcephpy-doc - Documentation files for python-calcephpy
python3-calcephpy - Astronomical library to access planetary ephemeris files
python-capturer-doc - Documentation for the 'capturer' Python module
python-celery-doc - Documentation for python-celery
python3-celery - Distributed Task Queue
python-cmdln-doc - An improved cmd.py for Writing Multi-command Scripts and Shells
python-coloredlogs-doc - Documentation for the 'coloredlogs' Python module
python-copr-doc - Code documentation for python-copr package
python-dbutils-doc - Tools providing solid, persistent and pooled connections to a database
python3-dbutils - Tools providing solid, persistent and pooled connections to a database
python-djvulibre-doc - Documentation for python-djvulibre
python-docx-doc - Documentation for python-docx
python-epub-doc - Documentation for python-epub
python-feedparser-doc - Documentation for the Python feedparser
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