Fedora Packages

88 results found

python-xlib-doc - Documentation and examples for python-xlib
python3-apipkg - A Python namespace control and lazy-import mechanism
python3-authres - Authentication Results Header Module
root-tmva-python - Toolkit for multivariate data analysis (Python)
python3-redis - Python 3 interface to the Redis key-value store
python3-nagiosplugin - Library for writing Nagios (Icinga) plugins
python3-rmol - Python bindings for rmol
python3-scitokens - SciToken reference implementation library
python3-termcolor - ANSI Color formatting for output in terminal
python3-testpath - Test utilities for code working with files and commands
python3-toposort - Implements a topological sort algorithm
python3-trustme - #1 quality TLS certs while you wait, for the discerning tester
python3-gfal2 - gfal2 python bindings for Python 3
python3-auth-credential - Python abstraction of a credential
python-catkin_pkg-doc - HTML documentation for python-catkin_pkg
python-django-haystack-docs - Documentation for Django Haystack pluggable search
python-geoip2-doc - Documentation for python-geoip2
python-notify2-doc - notify2 documentation
python-osrf-pycommon-doc - API Documentation for the osrf_pycommon Python modules
python-pygit2-doc - Documentation for python-pygit2
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