Fedora Packages

88 results found

python-qpid-proton-docs - Documentation for the Python language bindings for Qpid Proton
python-sysv_ipc-examples - Examples for Python sysv_ipc module
python-wxpython4-doc - Documentation and samples for wxPython
python3-httplib2 - Comprehensive HTTP client library
python3-service-identity - Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL
python3-templated-dictionary - Dictionary with Jinja2 expansion
python3-tomli-w - A Python library for writing TOML
python3-gfal2-util - gfal2 clients for python3
python-x2go-doc - Python X2Go client API documentation
python3-html2text - Convert HTML to Markdown-formatted text
python3-py3dns - Python3 DNS library
apprise - Apprise CLI Tool
pcodedmp - VBA p-code disassembler
waf - A Python-based build system
acme-tiny-core - Core python module of acme-tiny
borgmatic - Simple Python wrapper script for borgbackup
clustershell - Python framework for efficient cluster administration
pybugz - Command line interface for Bugzilla written in Python
pyhoca-cli - Command line X2Go client written in Python
pyhoca-gui - Graphical X2Go client written in (wx)Python
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