Fedora Packages

74 results found

waf - A Python-based build system
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acme-tiny-core - Core python module of acme-tiny
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clustershell - Python framework for efficient cluster administration
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pybugz - Command line interface for Bugzilla written in Python
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pyhoca-cli - Command line X2Go client written in Python
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pyhoca-gui - Graphical X2Go client written in (wx)Python
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pypolicyd-spf - SPF Policy Server for Postfix (Python implementation)
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argparse-manpage - Build manual page from Python ArgumentParser object
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conda - Cross-platform, Python-agnostic binary package manager
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yubikey-manager - Python library and command line tool for configuring a YubiKey
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pylint - Analyzes Python code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality
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msoffcrypto-tool - Python tool for decrypting MS Office files with passwords or other keys
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openssh-ldap-authkeys - Python script to generate SSH authorized_keys files using an LDAP directory
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