Fedora Packages

Did you mean mingw?

mingw64-dlfcn - Implements a wrapper for dlfcn (dlopen dlclose dlsym dlerror)
mingw64-glslang - MinGW Windows glslang library
mingw64-libgcrypt - MinGW Windows gcrypt encryption library
mingw64-turbojpeg - MinGW Windows turbojpeg library
mingw64-libpng - MinGW Windows Libpng library
mingw64-libtiff - MinGW Windows port of the LibTIFF library
mingw64-libxslt - MinGW Windows Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
mingw64-podofo - MinGW Windows podofo library
mingw64-check - Libraries and headers for developing programs with check
mingw64-libfdt - MinGW Device tree library
mingw64-fltk - MinGW compiled fltk for the Win64 target
mingw64-giflib - MinGW Windows giflib library
mingw64-gnutls - MinGW GnuTLS TLS/SSL encryption library
mingw64-gvnc - MinGW Windows port of VNC GObject
mingw64-leptonica - MinGW Windows Leptonica library
mingw64-libgsf - MinGW GNOME Structured File library
mingw64-libosinfo - Libraries, includes, etc. to compile with the libosinfo library
mingw64-libvirt - Libvirt plugin for Name Service Switch
mingw64-libwebp - MinGW Windows libwebp library
mingw64-libxmlb - MinGW library for querying compressed XML metadata
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