Fedora Packages

30 results found

google-noto-cjk-fonts - Google Noto Sans CJK Fonts
google-roboto-fonts - Google Roboto fonts
grive2 - Google Drive client
chromedriver - WebDriver for Google Chrome/Chromium
gmock - Google C++ Mocking Framework
google-benchmark-devel - Development files for google-benchmark
google-gson-javadoc - API documentation for google-gson
google-roboto-condensed-fonts - Google Roboto condensed fonts
google-roboto-mono-fonts - Google Roboto Mono fonts
google-roboto-slab-fonts - Google Roboto Slab fonts
gtest - Google C++ testing framework
php-google-apiclient - Client library for Google APIs
python2-google-auth - Google Auth Python Library
python2-PyDrive - A wrapper library of google-api-python-client for Google Drive API tasks
gdata-sharp - .NET library for the Google Data API
golang-googlecode-goprotobuf - Go support for Google protocol buffers
golang-googlecode-goprotobuf-devel - Go support for Google protocol buffers
php-google-apiclient-examples - Client library for Google APIs: Examples
python-re2 - Python wrapper for Google's RE2 library
python2-google-api-client - Google APIs Client Library for Python
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