Fedora Packages

1374 results found

gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock - Dock for the Gnome Shell by micxgx@gmail.com
gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel - Integrated icon taskbar and status panel for Gnome Shell
gnome-shell-extension-frippery-applications-menu - Replace Activities button with an Applications menu
gnome-shell-extension-frippery-bottom-panel - Add a bottom panel to the shell
gnome-shell-extension-frippery-move-clock - Move clock to left of status menu button
gnome-shell-extension-frippery-panel-favorites - Add launchers for Favorites to the panel
nautilus-gsconnect - Nautilus extension for GSConnect
nemo-gsconnect - Nemo extension for GSConnect
webextension-gsconnect - Web browser integration for GSConnect
gnome-extensions-app - Manage GNOME Shell extensions
gnome-browser-connector - GNOME Shell browser connector
gnome-shell-theme-yaru - Yaru GNOME Shell Theme
pop-gnome-shell-theme - Pop GNOME Shell Theme
perl-Net-SSH - Perl extension for secure shell
xfdashboard - GNOME shell like dashboard for Xfce
recoll-gssp - Recoll GNOME Shell search provider
gnome-terminal-nautilus - GNOME Terminal extension for Nautilus
remmina-gnome-session - Gnome Shell session for Remmina kiosk mode
g3kb-switch - CLI keyboard layout switcher for GNOME Shell
python3-colcon-zsh - Extension for colcon to provide Z shell scripts
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