Fedora Packages

278 results found

libatf-sh - Automated Testing Framework - POSIX shell bindings
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chromium-headless - A minimal headless shell built from Chromium
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erlang-ssh - Secure Shell application with sftp and ssh support
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hstr - Suggest box like shell history completion
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kile - (La)TeX source editor and TeX shell
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rc - Re-implementation for Unix of the Plan 9 shell
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et - Remote shell that survives IP roaming and disconnect
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kdialog - Nice dialog boxes from shell scripts
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powerdevil - Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell
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shelldap - A shell-like interface for browsing LDAP servers
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snoopy - A preload library to send shell commands to syslog
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NetworkManager-openconnect-gnome - NetworkManager VPN plugin for OpenConnect - GNOME files
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NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome - NetworkManager VPN plugin for OpenVPN - GNOME files
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NetworkManager-pptp-gnome - NetworkManager VPN plugin for PPTP - GNOME files
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desktop-backgrounds-gnome - The default Fedora wallpaper from GNOME desktop
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glabels - A program for creating labels and business cards for GNOME
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vlc-plugin-gnome - VLC media player Gnome Keyring plugin
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ShellCheck - Tool for checking common errors in POSIX shell scripts
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