Fedora Packages

243 results found

php-pecl-krb5 - Kerberos authentification extension
php-phpiredis - Client extension for Redis
python3-billiard - Multiprocessing Pool Extensions
root-net-auth - Authentication extension for ROOT
root-net-davix - Davix extension for ROOT
root-netx - NetX extension for ROOT
root-proof - PROOF extension for ROOT
rubygem-ffi - FFI Extensions for Ruby
tcltls - OpenSSL extension for Tcl
libatf-sh - Automated Testing Framework - POSIX shell bindings
chromium-headless - A minimal headless shell built from Chromium
erlang-ssh - Secure Shell application with sftp and ssh support
hstr - Suggest box like shell history completion
kile - (La)TeX source editor and TeX shell
rc - Re-implementation for Unix of the Plan 9 shell
scponly - Restricted shell for ssh based file services
wkhtmltopdf - Simple shell utility to convert html to pdf
zsh-lovers - A collection of tips, tricks and examples for the Z shell
zsh-syntax-highlighting - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh
NetworkManager-fortisslvpn-gnome - NetworkManager VPN plugin for SSLVPN - GNOME files
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