Fedora Packages

243 results found

easy-rsa - Simple shell based CA utility
ghc-shelly - Shell-like systems programming in Haskell
libemu - The x86 shell-code detection and emulation
parallel - Shell tool for executing jobs in parallel
perl-ExtUtils-Depends - Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
GtkAda-gnome - GtkAda binding to Gnome's GUI libraries
cinnamon - Window management and application launching for GNOME
distcc-gnome - Gnome frontend of distcc monitoring tool
gnome-sharp-devel - Files needed for developing with gnome-sharp
libgda - Library for writing gnome database programs
perl-HTTP-Soup - HTTP client/server library for GNOME
plplot-java-devel - Development files for using PLplot GNOME
gdb-exploitable - GDB extension for exploitability
gtkglext-libs - OpenGL Extension to GTK
libgda-ui - UI extensions for libgda
nemo-extensions - Nemo extensions library
opensips-presence_callinfo - SIMPLE Presence extension
opensips-presence_xml - SIMPLE Presence extension
opensips-pua_bla - BLA extension for PUA
perl-Net-UPnP - Perl extension for UPnP
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