Fedora Packages

48 results found

geany - A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK3
geany-devel - Header files for building Geany plug-ins
geany-libgeany - Core functions of Geany
geany-themes - A collection of syntax highlighting color schemes for Geany
geany-plugins-addons - Miscellaneous Addons for Geany
geany-plugins-autoclose - Intellectually helps you to write code
geany-plugins-automark - Highlights all words that match current word
geany-plugins-codenav - Navigate through your source code easily
geany-plugins-commander - Control Geany using commands from a command panel.
geany-plugins-common - Common files used by all geany plugins
geany-plugins-debugger - Enables debugging in Geany
geany-plugins-defineformat - Write multiline defines with aligned backslash
geany-plugins-geanyctags - Generate and query ctags files for a Geany project
geany-plugins-geanydoc - Call documentation from within Geany
geany-plugins-geanyextrasel - Additional features for selecting code
geany-plugins-geanygendoc - Automatically generate documentation source code
geany-plugins-geanyinsertnum - Insert huge number ranges with small efforts
geany-plugins-geanymacro - User defined Macros for Geany
geany-plugins-geanyminiscript - Geany Mini-Script filter plugin
geany-plugins-geanynumberedbookmarks - Provide users 10 numbered Bookmarks
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