Fedora Packages

72 results found

fedora-easy-karma - Fedora update feedback made easy
python2-fedmsg-atomic-composer - Composes atomic trees when Fedora repositories are updated
auter - Prepare and apply updates
php-fedora-autoloader - Fedora Autoloader
geany-plugins-updatechecker - Automatically check for Geany updates
noip - A dynamic DNS update client
python-prewikka-updatedb - Database update scripts for prewikka
python36-fedfind - Fedora Finder finds Fedora (using Python 3)
imagefactory-plugins-TinMan - OS plugin for Fedora
drupal7-l10n_update - Provides automatic downloads and updates for translations
needrestart - Restart daemons after library updates
am-utils - Automount utilities including an updated version of Amd
bodhi-server - A modular framework that facilitates publishing software updates
ddclient - Client to update dynamic DNS host entries
nsca-client - Client application for sending updates to a nsca server
pdc-updater - Update the product definition center in response to fedmsg
perl-Module-Refresh - Refresh %INC files when updated on disk
fedfind - Fedora compose and image finder
fedora-license-data - Fedora Linux license data
lxqt-themes-fedora - Default Fedora theme for LXQt
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