Fedora Packages

56 results found

f36-backgrounds-mate - Fedora 36 default wallpaper for Mate
f36-backgrounds-xfce - Fedora 36 default background for XFCE4
ipsilon-infofas - Fedora Authentication System login plugin
joe - An easy to use, modeless text editor
libpreludedb - Framework for easy access to the IDMEF database
python3-chai - Easy to use mocking/stub framework
python3-django-rest-framework - Web APIs for Django, made easy
perl-DBIx-Simple - Easy-to-use OO interface to DBI
perl-HTML-TokeParser-Simple - Easy to use HTML::TokeParser interface
R-java - R with Fedora provided Java Runtime Environment
fedora-packager - Tools for setting up a fedora maintainer environment
python3-robosignatory - A Fedora Messaging consumer that automatically signs artifacts
python3-fedora - Python modules for talking to Fedora Infrastructure Services
desktop-backgrounds-compat - The default Fedora wallpaper for less common DEs
desktop-backgrounds-gnome - The default Fedora wallpaper from GNOME desktop
f35-backgrounds-base - Base images for Fedora 35 default background
f35-backgrounds-gnome - Fedora 35 default wallpaper for Gnome and Cinnamon
f36-backgrounds-base - Base images for Fedora 36 default background
f36-backgrounds-gnome - Fedora 36 default wallpaper for Gnome and Cinnamon
fedora-messaging - Set of tools for using Fedora's messaging infrastructure
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