Fedora Packages

yosyshq-abc-devel-0.46-1.20241011gitcac8f99.fc41 in Fedora 41

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2024-10-11 Gabriel Somlo <gsomlo at gmail dot com> - 0.46-1.20241011gitcac8f99 - update to 0.46 snapshot
2024-09-05 Gabriel Somlo <gsomlo at gmail dot com> - 0.45-1.20240905git2188bc7 - update to 0.45 snapshot
2024-08-08 Gabriel Somlo <gsomlo at gmail dot com> - 0.44-1.20240804git28d955c - update to 0.44 snapshot
2024-07-20 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 0.41-2.20240524git237d813 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_41_Mass_Rebuild
2024-05-24 Gabriel Somlo <gsomlo at gmail dot com> - 0.41-1.20240524git237d813 - update to 0.41 snapshot
2024-03-14 Gabriel Somlo <gsomlo at gmail dot com> - 0.39-1.20240314git0cd90d0 - update to 0.39 snapshot
2024-01-27 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 0.35-2.20231108git896e5e7 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild
2023-11-08 Gabriel Somlo <gsomlo at gmail dot com> - 0.35-1.20231108git896e5e7 - update to 0.35 snapshot
2023-10-06 Gabriel Somlo <gsomlo at gmail dot com> - 0.34-1.20231006gitdaad9ed - update to 0.34 snapshot
2023-08-04 Gabriel Somlo <gsomlo at gmail dot com> - 0.31-1.20230804gitbb64142 - Initial RPM



  • abc-devel
  • yosyshq-abc-devel
  • yosyshq-abc-devel(x86-64)


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