Fedora Packages

xorg-x11-server-Xdmx Subpackage of xorg-x11-server

Distributed Multihead X Server and utilities

Xdmx is proxy X server that provides multi-head support for multiple displays attached to different machines (each of which is running a typical X server). When Xinerama is used with Xdmx, the multiple displays on multiple machines are presented to the user as a single unified screen. A simple application for Xdmx would be to provide multi-head support using two desktop machines, each of which has a single display device attached to it. A complex application for Xdmx would be to unify a 4 by 4 grid of 1280x1024 displays (each attached to one of 16 computers) into a unified 5120x4096 display.

Releases Overview

Release Stable Testing
Fedora 40 1.20.14-36.fc40 -
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Package Info
  • Upstream: http://www.x.org
  • License(s): Adobe-Display-PostScript AND BSD-3-Clause AND DEC-3-Clause AND HPND AND HPND-sell-MIT-disclaimer-xserver AND HPND-sell-variant AND ICU AND ISC AND MIT AND MIT-open-group AND NTP AND SGI-B-2.0 AND SMLNJ AND X11 AND X11-distribute-modifications-variant
  • Maintainers: ajax, jexposit, airlied, ofourdan, rstrode, alexl, rhughes, bskeggs, whot

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You can contact the maintainers of this package via email at xorg-x11-server dash maintainers at fedoraproject dot org.

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