Fedora Packages

vim-filesystem-9.0.1927-1.fc39 in Fedora 39

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Date Author Change
2023-09-22 Zdenek Dohnal <zdohnal at redhat dot com> - 2:9.0.1927-1 - patchlevel 1927
2023-09-07 Zdenek Dohnal <zdohnal at redhat dot com> - 2:9.0.1882-1 - patchlevel 1882
2023-09-06 Zdenek Dohnal <zdohnal at redhat dot com> - 2:9.0.1872-2 - test_xxd_color2 is flaky
2023-09-05 Zdenek Dohnal <zdohnal at redhat dot com> - 2:9.0.1872-1 - patchlevel 1872
2023-08-30 Zdenek Dohnal <zdohnal at redhat dot com> - 2:9.0.1822-1 - patchlevel 1822
2023-08-14 Zdenek Dohnal <zdohnal at redhat dot com> - 2:9.0.1712-1 - patchlevel 1712
2023-08-11 Zdenek Dohnal <zdohnal at redhat dot com> - 2:9.0.1677-4 - fix test suite from python3 syntax warnings
2023-07-22 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 2:9.0.1677-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild
2023-07-13 Zdenek Dohnal <zdohnal at redhat dot com> - 2:9.0.1677-2 - 2222671 - fix FTBFS due Python3 rebase - 2222648 - fix FailToInstall due Perl rebase
2023-07-11 Zdenek Dohnal <zdohnal at redhat dot com> - 2:9.0.1677-2 - patchlevel 1677


  • rpm_macro(vimfiles_root)
  • vim-filesystem


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