Fedora Packages

texlive-refenums Subpackage of texlive

Define reference labels items with names of their own

The package provides commands to define enumerable items with a number and a long name, which can be referenced referenced later with the name or just the short form. For instance, "Milestone M1: Specification created" can be defined and later on be referenced with 'M1' or 'M1 ("Specification created")'. The text in the references is derived from the definition and also rendered as hyperlink to the definition.

Releases Overview

Release Stable Testing
Fedora Rawhide svn44131-76.fc42 -
Fedora 42 svn44131-76.fc42 -
Fedora 41 svn44131-73.fc41 -
Fedora 40 svn44131-71.fc40 -
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Package Info
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You can contact the maintainers of this package via email at texlive dash maintainers at fedoraproject dot org.

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