Fedora Packages

texlive-pst-calendar Subpackage of texlive

Plot calendars in "fancy" ways

The package uses pstricks and pst-3d to draw tabular calendars, or calendars on dodecahedra with a month to each face (the package also requires the multido and pst-xkey packages). The package works for years 2000-2099, and has options for calendars in French German and English, but the documentation is not available in English.

Releases Overview

Release Stable Testing
Fedora Rawhide svn60480-76.fc42 -
Fedora 42 svn60480-76.fc42 -
Fedora 41 svn60480-73.fc41 -
Fedora 40 svn60480-71.fc40 -
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Package Info
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You can contact the maintainers of this package via email at texlive dash maintainers at fedoraproject dot org.

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