Spell numbers in words (Italian)
Sometimes we need to say "Capitolo primo" or "Capitolo uno" instead of "Capitolo 1", that is, spelling the number in words instead of the usual digit form. This package provides support for spelling out numbers in Italian words, both in cardinal and in ordinal form.
Release | Stable | Testing |
Fedora Rawhide | svn15878.1.0-76.fc42 | - |
Fedora 42 | svn15878.1.0-76.fc42 | - |
Fedora 41 | svn15878.1.0-73.fc41 | - |
Fedora 40 | svn15878.1.0-71.fc40 | - |
You can contact the maintainers of this package via email at
texlive dash maintainers at fedoraproject dot org