Fedora Packages

python3-rpkg-1.66-4.fc38 in Fedora 38

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Date Author Change
2023-03-10 Ondřej Nosek <onosek at redhat dot com> - 1.66-4 - Patch: Do not generate pre-push hook script in some cases
2023-03-01 Ondřej Nosek <onosek at redhat dot com> - 1.66-3 - Patch: Process source URLs with fragment in pre-push hook - Patch: container-build: update --signing-intent help for OSBS 2
2023-02-21 Ondřej Nosek <onosek at redhat dot com> - 1.66-2 - rebuild for unification of all branches
2023-02-20 Ondřej Nosek <onosek at redhat dot com> - 1.66-1 - container-build: document --compose-ids overrides any new composes (kdreyer) - Use srpm when scratch-building from dirty repo - #652 (otto.liljalaakso) - Code cleanup in tests/test_cli.py (otto.liljalaakso) - Reduce indentation in assert_build helper (otto.liljalaakso) - Allow empty commits - 494 (msuchy) - Allow forcing download of all sources - #650 (otto.liljalaakso) - Add test case for not downloading unused sources (otto.liljalaakso) - Support 'results_dir=subdir' when building from srpm - #648 (otto.liljalaakso) - Use local branch name as release when there is no remote (otto.liljalaakso) - Allow downstreams to define a default release (otto.liljalaakso) - Switch load_branch_merge to use multiple return (otto.liljalaakso) - Unittests for 'git push' hook script (onosek) - Checking a repo configuration before 'git push' with a git hook script - 491 (onosek) - Fix skipping NVR check with autorelease (nils) - pyrpkg.spec.SpecFile: More lenient parser for Source/Patch lines (fweimer) - Fix URL in CHANGELOG.rst (tmz) - Add Jenkinsfile for CI (onosek) - mockbuild: escape rpm command under mock - rhbz#2130349 (onosek) - Fixes for exploded SRPM layouts - #633 (tdawson) - `fedpkg local` does not show rpmbuild output - rhbz#2124809 (onosek)
2022-10-10 Ondřej Nosek <onosek at redhat dot com> - 1.65-3 - Patch: Fixes for exploded SRPM layouts - Patch: mockbuild: escape rpm command under mock
2022-09-07 Ondřej Nosek <onosek at redhat dot com> - 1.65-2 - Patch: `fedpkg local` does not show rpmbuild output
2022-09-07 Ondřej Nosek <onosek at redhat dot com> - 1.65-1 - Extra arguments now use shell-escaping - revert (onosek - Remove pytest warnings (onosek) - Refuse import of packages processed by rpmautospec (zbyszek) - follow redirects for lookaside (tkopecek) - Repair flake8 complaints (onosek) - Fix high level bandit findings (onosek) - container-build: improve help text for --compose-ids argument (kdreyer) - CONTRIBUTING.md fix links (onosek) - Improve change management process documentation (onosek) - Removing bandit issues from cli.py (drumian) - Extract source RPMs with rpm2archive if possible (praiskup) - Set up bandit scanner for rpkg (onosek) - Refuse to "commit -c" when using * Fri Mar 10 2023 Fedora Project - 1.66-4.fc38 - local build - 454 (drumian) - Refactoring loading rpmautospec feature (onosek) - add --background option for container-build which allows to create build with lower priority (rcerven) - 'clean --dry-run' deprecation warning (drumian) - Better exit code for connection error (drumian) - Fix generation of optional parameters in man page (mspacek) - Use absolute path for mock results in `lint` (onosek) - contaner-build does not check for existence of kojisession.buildContainer - 532 (drumian) - Fix: 'lint' subcommand should not invoke rpmlint on debuginfo packages - rhbz#2052451 (drumian) - Add `--custom-user-metadata` to build command (onosek) - Fix: 'lint -i/--info' does not work - rhbz#2016616 (drumian) - Fix: AlreadyUploadedError when package has no sources - 604 (drumian) - Fix: Extra arguments now use shell-escaping - 587 (drumian)
2022-08-19 Ondřej Nosek <onosek at redhat dot com> - 1.64-9 - Patch: Extract source RPMs with rpm2archive if possible
2022-08-18 Ondřej Nosek <onosek at redhat dot com> - 1.64-8 - Patch: Repair flake8 complaints - Patch: follow redirects for lookaside
2022-07-23 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 1.64-7 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild


  • python-rpkg
  • python3-rpkg
  • python3.11-rpkg
  • python3.11dist(rpkg)
  • python3dist(rpkg)


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