Fedora Packages

root-roofit-more-6.34.04-1.fc43 in Fedora Rawhide

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2025-02-14 Mattias Ellert <mattias dot ellert at physics dot uu dot se> - 6.34.04-1 - Update to 6.34.04 - Drop patches accepted upstream or previously backported
2025-02-14 Benjamin A. Beasley <code at musicinmybrain dot net> - 6.34.02-8 - Rebuilt for libarrow 19
2025-02-02 Orion Poplawski <orion at nwra dot com> - 6.34.02-7 - Rebuild with gsl 2.8
2025-02-01 Björn Esser <besser82 at fedoraproject dot org> - 6.34.02-6 - Add explicit BR: libxcrypt-devel
2025-01-31 Mattias Ellert <mattias dot ellert at physics dot uu dot se> - 6.34.02-5 - Apply patches to fix build with gcc 15 - Enable roofit-multiprocess for EPEL 10 (dependencies available) - Rebuild for pythia8 8.3.13
2025-01-18 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 6.34.02-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_42_Mass_Rebuild
2025-01-15 Mattias Ellert <mattias dot ellert at physics dot uu dot se> - 6.34.02-3 - Don't add dependencies on root-roofit-multiprocess and root-roofit-zmq to root-roofit-core for EPEL builds
2025-01-12 Mattias Ellert <mattias dot ellert at physics dot uu dot se> - 6.34.02-2 - Adjust stressGraphics.ref - Build for EPEL 10 - Disable the R interface for EPEL 10 (R not yet abailable) - Enable uring support for EPEL 9 (supported in kernel since RHEL 9.3)
2024-12-25 Mattias Ellert <mattias dot ellert at physics dot uu dot se> - 6.34.02-1 - Update to 6.34.02 - Build CLAD plugin - Removed package: root-roofit-dataframe-helpers
2024-11-27 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat dot com> - 6.32.08-2 - Rebuild for libarrow 18


  • libRooFitMore.so.6.34()(64bit)
  • root-roofit-more
  • root-roofit-more(x86-64)


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