Fedora Packages

racket-doc-7.4-1.el8 in Fedora EPEL 8

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Date Author Change
2019-08-28 David Benoit <dbenoit at redhat dot com> - 7.4.1 - Update package version - Remove doc-open-url patch (fixed upstream) - Update remove-nonfree patch
2019-02-02 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 7.0-7 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild
2018-09-24 David Benoit <dbenoit at redhat dot com> 7.0-6 - Fix buildarch
2018-09-22 David Benoit <dbenoit at redhat dot com> 7.0-5 - Remove links.rktd scriptlets and instead make docs a weak dependency
2018-09-21 David Benoit <dbenoit at redhat dot com> 7.0-4 - Add scriptlets to handle updating links.rktd based on whether racket-pkgs is installed - fix owenership of docs dir - update docs patch
2018-09-06 David Benoit <dbenoit at redhat dot com> 7.0-3 - use arm macro instead of armv7hl
2018-09-05 David Benoit <dbenoit at redhat dot com> 7.0-2 - Disable SSE math on i686 until issue is fixed upstream - Exclude ppc due to issue building Racket v7.0 and arch being deprecated in next release
2018-08-17 David Benoit <dbenoit at redhat dot com> 7.0-1 - Update sources to Racket v7.0 - Remove 6.12 patches and add update remove nonfree srfi patch to 7.0
2018-07-30 David Benoit <dbenoit at redhat dot com> 6.12-8 - Annotate dependencies with links to source code - Move dependencies to racket-pkgs, since they are only used by that subpackage - Update mred symbolic links - Fix ownership of directories - Remove executable bit from starter-sh
2018-07-12 David Benoit <dbenoit at redhat dot com> 6.12-7 - Remove hardened build since it is enabled by default - Add gcc to BuildRequires - Remove wildcards from directory listings in files section


  • racket-doc


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