Fedora Packages

qt-creator-data-8.0.2-4.el8 in Fedora EPEL 8

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Date Author Change
2024-11-11 Thomas Zimmermann <thomas.zimmermann|voestalpine.com> - 8.0.2-4 - Rebuild for Clang/LLVM 18.0.1
2024-05-24 Thomas Zimmermann <thomas dot zimmermann at voestalpine dot com> - 8.0.2-3 - Rebuild for RHEL 8.10
2023-11-16 Thomas Zimmermann <thomas dot zimmermann at voestalpine dot com> - 8.0.2-2 - Rebuild for RHEL 8.9
2023-07-27 Thomas Zimmermann <thomas dot zimmermann at voestalpine dot com> - 8.0.2-1 - Update to 8.0.2
2023-05-23 Thomas Zimmermann <thomas dot zimmermann at voestalpine dot com> - 8.0.1-2 - Rebuild for RHEL 8.8
2023-01-27 Thomas Zimmermann <thomas dot zimmermann at voestalpine dot com> - 8.0.1-1 - Update to 8.0.1
2022-11-24 Thomas Zimmermann <thomas dot zimmermann at voestalpine dot com> - 7.0.2-2 - Rebuild for RHEL 8.7 - use bundled KF5SyntaxHighlighting and litehtml
2022-05-24 Sandro Mani <manisandro at gmail dot com> - 7.0.2-1 - Update to 7.0.2
2022-04-27 Sandro Mani <manisandro at gmail dot com> - 7.0.1-1 - Update to 7.0.1
2022-04-04 Frantisek Zatloukal <fzatlouk at redhat dot com> - 7.0.0-3 - Rebuild for llvm14



  • qt-creator-data


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