Pure python spell checker based on work by Peter Norvig
pyspellchecker (Pure Python Spell Checking) uses a Levenshtein Distance algorithm to find permutations within an edit distance of 2 from the original word. It then compares all permutations (insertions, deletions, replacements, and transpositions) to known words in a word frequency list. Those words that are found more often in the frequency list are more likely the correct results. pyspellchecker supports multiple languages including English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Arabic and Basque. For information on how the dictionaries were created and how they can be updated and improved, please see the Dictionary Creation and Updating section of the readme! pyspellchecker allows for the setting of the Levenshtein Distance (up to two) to check. For longer words, it is highly recommended to use a distance of 1 and not the default 2. See the quickstart to find how one can change the distance parameter.
Release | Stable | Testing |
Fedora Rawhide | 0.8.2-2.fc42 | - |
Fedora 42 | 0.8.2-2.fc42 | - |
Fedora 41 | 0.8.2-1.fc41 | - |
Fedora 40 | 0.8.1-2.fc40 | - |
You can contact the maintainers of this package via email at
python-pyspellchecker dash maintainers at fedoraproject dot org