Fedora Packages

python3-matplotlib-wx-3.0.3-4.el8 in Fedora EPEL 8

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2022-01-19 Orion Poplawski <orion at nwra dot com> - 3.0.3-4 - Enable wx backend (bz#1955488)
2019-09-17 Orion Poplawski <orion at nwra dot com> - 3.0.3-3 - Disable qt4 and wx for EPEL8
2019-07-03 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <zbyszek at in dot waw dot pl> - 3.0.3-2 - Update Obsoletes to be later than the last python2 builds (#1726490)
2019-03-02 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum dot analyst at gmail dot com> - 3.0.3-1 - Update to latest version
2019-02-02 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 3.0.2-1.1 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild
2018-11-13 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum dot analyst at gmail dot com> - 3.0.2-1 - Update to latest version
2018-10-31 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum dot analyst at gmail dot com> - 3.0.1-1 - Update to latest version
2018-09-21 Miro Hrončok <mhroncok at redhat dot com> - 3.0.0-2 - Obsolete old python-matplotlib-data* to prevent conflicts and provide an upgrade path
2018-09-19 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum dot analyst at gmail dot com> - 3.0.0-1 - Update to latest version - Drop Python 2 subpackages - Stop setting a default backend (allow Matplotlib to choose automatically)
2018-08-13 Elliott Sales de Andrade <quantum dot analyst at gmail dot com> - 2.2.3-1 - Update to latest version



  • python3-matplotlib-wx
  • python3-matplotlib-wx(x86-64)


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