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Date | Author | Change |
2023-05-25 | Benjamin A. Beasley <code at musicinmybrain dot net> - 1.9^20200222gitba89b41-7 | - Rename the binary RPM to match the canonical name |
2023-05-25 | Benjamin A. Beasley <code at musicinmybrain dot net> - 1.9^20200222gitba89b41-6 | - Remove a shebang from a non-script Python source |
2023-05-25 | Benjamin A. Beasley <code at musicinmybrain dot net> - 1.9^20200222gitba89b41-2 | - Confirm License is SPDX MIT |
2023-05-25 | Benjamin A. Beasley <code at musicinmybrain dot net> - 1.9^20200222gitba89b41-1 | - Drop “forge” macros and use “modern” snapshot versioning |
2022-02-01 | Benjamin A. Beasley <code at musicinmybrain dot net> - 1.9-19 | - Backport to EPEL9 (close RHBZ#2046250) |
2022-01-21 | Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 1.9-18 | - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild |
2021-09-13 | Benjamin A. Beasley <code at musicinmybrain dot net> - 1.9-17 | - Let pyproject-rpm-macros handle the license file |
2021-09-12 | Benjamin A. Beasley <code at musicinmybrain dot net> - 1.9-16 | - Drop BR on pyproject-rpm-macros, now implied by python3-devel |
2021-09-12 | Benjamin A. Beasley <code at musicinmybrain dot net> - 1.9-15 | - Add Python provides for junit-xml name |
2021-09-12 | Benjamin A. Beasley <code at musicinmybrain dot net> - 1.9-14 | - Drop BR on pyproject-rpm-macros, now implied by python3-devel |