Fedora Packages

python3-jsonpickle-3.0.1-2.el9 in Fedora EPEL 9

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Date Author Change
2023-01-20 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 3.0.1-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild
2022-12-16 Gwyn Ciesla <gwync at protonmail dot com> - 3.0.1-1 - 3.0.1
2022-12-06 Benjamin A. Beasley <code at musicinmybrain dot net> - 3.0.0-4 - EPEL9 compatibility
2022-12-06 Benjamin A. Beasley <code at musicinmybrain dot net> - 3.0.0-3 - Switch URL to the GitHub project page - Stop using deprecated zero-argument form of pypi_source - Remove workarounds for EL7/8 and end-of-lifed Fedoras - Update description and stop implying there is a Python 2 version - Drop obsolete python_provide macro - Port to pyproject-rpm-macros - Re-enable GPG verification - Update License to SPDX
2022-12-05 Gwyn Ciesla <gwync at protonmail dot com> - 3.0.0-2 - Unpin setuptools requirement.
2022-12-02 Gwyn Ciesla <gwync at protonmail dot com> - 3.0.0-1 - 3.0.0
2022-07-22 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 2.2.0-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild
2022-06-22 Adam Williamson <awilliam at redhat dot com> - 2.2.0-3 - Backport PR #396 to make it work with Python 3.11 (#2098982)
2022-06-15 Python Maint <python dash maint at redhat dot com> - 2.2.0-2 - Rebuilt for Python 3.11
2022-05-12 Gwyn Ciesla <gwync at protonmail dot com> - 2.2.0-1 - 2.2.0


  • python-jsonpickle
  • python3-jsonpickle
  • python3.9-jsonpickle
  • python3.9dist(jsonpickle)
  • python3dist(jsonpickle)


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