python-gilt-doc-1.2.1-5.el8 in Fedora EPEL 8
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Package Info
🠗 Changelog
🠗 Provides
🠗 Files
Date |
Author |
Change |
2020-07-29 |
Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 1.2.1-5 |
- Rebuilt for |
2020-07-10 |
Chedi Toueiti <chedi dot toueiti at gmail dot com> - 1.2.1-4 |
- Replace Python version globs with macros to support python 3.10 |
2020-05-26 |
Miro HronĨok <mhroncok at redhat dot com> - 1.2.1-3 |
- Rebuilt for Python 3.9 |
2020-02-26 |
Chedi Toueiti <chedi dot toueiti at gmail dot com> - 1.2.1 |
- Initial package |
- usr/
- share/
- doc/
- python-gilt-doc/
- README.rst
- html/
- _sources/
- authors.rst.txt
- autodoc.rst.txt
- changelog.rst.txt
- contributing.rst.txt
- development.rst.txt
- index.rst.txt
- testing.rst.txt
- _static/
- ajax-loader.gif
- alabaster.css
- basic.css
- comment-bright.png
- comment-close.png
- comment.png
- custom.css
- doctools.js
- documentation_options.js
- down-pressed.png
- down.png
- file.png
- jquery-3.2.1.js
- jquery.js
- logo.png
- minus.png
- plus.png
- pygments.css
- searchtools.js
- underscore-1.3.1.js
- underscore.js
- up-pressed.png
- up.png
- websupport.js
- authors.html
- autodoc.html
- changelog.html
- contributing.html
- development.html
- genindex.html
- index.html
- objects.inv
- search.html
- searchindex.js
- testing.html
- licenses/