Fedora Packages

python3-geotiler Subpackage of python-geotiler

GeoTiler is a library to create map using tiles from a map provider

GeoTiler is a library to create maps using tiles from a map provider. The main goal of the library is to enable a programmer to create maps using tiles downloaded from OpenStreetMap, Stamen or other map provider. The maps can be used by interactive applications or to create data analysis graphs.

Releases Overview

Release Stable Testing
Fedora Rawhide 0.15.1-5.fc42 -
Fedora 42 0.15.1-5.fc42 -
Fedora 41 0.15.1-3.fc41 -
Fedora 40 0.15.1-1.fc40 -
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Package Info
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You can contact the maintainers of this package via email at python-geotiler dash maintainers at fedoraproject dot org.

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