Fedora Packages

php-ZendFramework2-Form Subpackage of php-ZendFramework2

Zend Framework 2: Form Component

Zend\Form is intended primarily as a bridge between your domain models and the View Layer. It composes a thin layer of objects representing form elements, an InputFilter, and a small number of methods for binding data to and from the form and attached objects. The Zend\Form component consists of the following objects: * Elements, which simply consist of a name and attributes. * Fieldsets, which extend from Elements, but allow composing other fieldsets and elements. * Forms, which extend from Fieldsets (and thus Elements). They provide data and object binding, and compose InputFilters. Data binding is done via ZendStdlibHydrator.

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EPEL 7 2.4.11-1.el7 -
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You can contact the maintainers of this package via email at php-ZendFramework2 dash maintainers at fedoraproject dot org.

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