Fedora Packages

perl-ftpd-1.125-1.el7 in EPEL 7

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Date Author Change
2013-10-08 Paul Howarth <paul at city dash fan dot org> - 1.125-1 - Update to 1.125 - Maintainer changed - Organized document and package files - Fixed pod format errors - New repository: https://github.com/ryochin/p5-net-ftpserver - Added a workaround to make sure to cause abort by SIGURG in t/240abort.t (CPAN RT#21261) - Fixed a bug that MLST command treated DirHandle as FileHandle (CPAN RT#27640) - Fixed a bug that ls -l command doesn't show a directory named '0' (CPAN RT#29503) - Fixed a problem that extra large file sizes were not displayed correctly because of integer digit overflow (CPAN RT#35332) - Fixed a problem caused by a Constant.pm internal change, affecting Archive::Zip (CPAN RT#35698) - Fixed a problem that Archive::Zip::Member::setLastModFileDateTimeFromUnix() doesn't accept 0 (CPAN RT#35698) - Addressed an issue that ftpd.conf had been installed despite lack of write permission to sysconfdir (CPAN RT#81130) - Added a message that Win32 platform is not supported (CPAN RT#81136) - Switched to Test::More for better installation process - Supported cpantesters and added other small changes - Tweaked t/240abort.t to skip when BSD::Resource is not installed, to avoid test errors on OpenBSD/Solaris at cpantesters - Improved an error message when using chroot feature by non-root users with Full personality - This release by RYOCHIN -> update source URL - Drop upstreamed patch and hacks for CPAN RT#35698 - Drop %defattr, redundant since rpm 4.4 - Simplify %install - Run the test suite - Make %files list more explicit - Don't use macros for commands - Drop redundant recoding of documentation
2013-08-03 Fedora Release Engineering <rel dash eng at lists dot fedoraproject dot org> - 1.122-21 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
2013-07-24 Petr Pisar <ppisar at redhat dot com> - 1.122-20 - Perl 5.18 rebuild - Specify all dependencies
2013-02-14 Fedora Release Engineering <rel dash eng at lists dot fedoraproject dot org> - 1.122-19 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
2012-08-06 Marcela Mašláňová <mmaslano at redhat dot com> - 1.122-18 - applied patch from RT#35698. Tests were fixed by this change. - switch off tests. Sometimes they passed in scratch build, sometimes failed. One reason could be old bug RT#21261.
2012-07-20 Fedora Release Engineering <rel dash eng at lists dot fedoraproject dot org> - 1.122-17 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
2012-06-16 Petr Pisar <ppisar at redhat dot com> - 1.122-16 - Perl 5.16 rebuild
2012-01-13 Fedora Release Engineering <rel dash eng at lists dot fedoraproject dot org> - 1.122-15 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
2011-09-13 Petr Pisar <ppisar at redhat dot com> - 1.122-14 - Build-require Carp because Carp dual-lives now (bug #736768)
2011-07-19 Petr Sabata <contyk at redhat dot com> - 1.122-13 - Perl mass rebuild



  • config(perl-ftpd)
  • perl-ftpd


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