Fedora Packages


Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names

B::Keywords supplies several arrays of exportable keywords: @Scalars, @Arrays, @Hashes, @Filehandles, @Symbols, @Functions, @Barewords, @TieIOMethods, @UNIVERSALMethods and @ExporterSymbols. The @Symbols array includes the contents of each of @Scalars, @Arrays, @Hashes, @Functions and @Filehandles. Similarly, @Barewords adds a few non-function keywords and operators to the @Functions array.

Releases Overview

Release Stable Testing
Fedora Rawhide 1.27-3.fc42 -
Fedora 42 1.27-3.fc42 -
Fedora 41 1.27-2.fc41 -
Fedora 40 1.26-5.fc40 -
Fedora EPEL 9 1.23-1.el9 -
Fedora EPEL 8 1.20-1.el8 -
Fedora EPEL 10.0 1.27-1.el10_0 -
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Package Info
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You can contact the maintainers of this package via email at perl-B-Keywords dash maintainers at fedoraproject dot org.

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