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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date | Author | Change |
2023-08-07 | Sam Feifer <samfeifer at fedoraproject dot org> - 6.0.5-6 | - Improve on pmieconf integration with Event Driven Ansible |
2023-08-03 | Sam Feifer <samfeifer at fedoraproject dot org> - 6.0.5-5 | - Fix path for pmie/conf testing rule |
2023-07-20 | Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 6.0.5-4 | - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild |
2023-07-11 | Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik at redhat dot com> - 6.0.5-3 | - Perl 5.38 rebuild |
2023-07-07 | Python Maint <python dash maint at redhat dot com> - 6.0.5-2 | - Rebuilt for Python 3.12 |
2023-06-26 | Nathan Scott <nathans at redhat dot com> - 6.0.5-1 | - Ensure rotated pmie log files are pcp:pcp owned (BZ 2217209) - Update to latest PCP sources. |
2023-05-15 | Nathan Scott <nathans at redhat dot com> - 6.0.4-1 | - Rework LOCALHOSTNAME handling in control files (BZ 2172892) |
2023-02-23 | Nathan Scott <nathans at redhat dot com> - 6.0.3-1 | - Update to latest PCP sources. |
2023-02-13 | Nathan Scott <nathans at redhat dot com> - 6.0.2-1 | - Resolve a dstat swap plugin related failure (BZ 2168774) - Update to latest PCP sources. |
2023-01-19 | Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 6.0.1-5 | - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild |