Fedora Packages

openssh-9.6p1-1.fc40.4 in Fedora 40

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2024-07-02 Dmitry Belyavskiy <dbelyavs at redhat dot com> - 9.6p1-1.4 - rebuilt
2024-07-01 Daniel Milnes <daniel at daniel dash milnes dot uk> - 9.6p1-1.3 - Backport fix for CVE-2024-6387 (rhbz#2294879) - Backport fix for ObscureKeystrokeTiming logic error from OpenSSH 9.8
2024-01-25 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 9.6p1-1.2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild
2024-01-21 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 9.6p1-1.1 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild
2023-12-26 Daniel Milnes <daniel at daniel dash milnes dot uk> - 9.6p1-1 - Update to OpenSSH 9.6 Original patches from https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/openssh/pull-request/63 Tuned by Dmitry Belyavskiy for GSS and PKCS#11 URI processing
2023-12-22 Florian Weimer <fweimer at redhat dot com> - 9.3p1-13.1 - Fix type errors in downstream gssapi-keyex patch
2023-10-16 Mattias Ellert <mattias dot ellert at physics dot uu dot se> - 9.3p1-13 - Fix issue with read-only ssh buffer during gssapi key exchange (rhbz#1938224) - https://github.com/openssh-gsskex/openssh-gsskex/pull/19
2023-10-15 Mattias Ellert <mattias dot ellert at physics dot uu dot se> - 9.3p1-12 - Fix FTBFS due to implicit declarations (rhbz#2241211)
2023-09-19 Dmitry Belyavskiy <dbelyavs at redhat dot com> - 9.3p1-11 - migrated to SPDX license
2023-09-15 Timothée Ravier <tim at siosm dot fr> - 9.3p1-10 - Revert "Remove sshd.socket unit (rhbz#2025716)"


  • config(openssh)
  • openssh
  • openssh(x86-64)


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