Fedora Packages

opencv-devel-4.8.0-1.fc39 in Fedora 39

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2023-08-07 Sérgio Basto <sergio at serjux dot com> - 4.8.0-1 - Update opencv to 4.8.0 - Use bundle flatbuffers, tried build with flatbuffers from system but doesn't build - Use oneVPL instead libmfx - Add WeChat QRCode - https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/opencv/pull-request/23 , upgrade C++ standard to C++17 for protobuf v4 (23.x etc.)
2023-07-20 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 4.7.0-15 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild
2023-07-19 Josef Ridky <jridky at redhat dot com> - 4.7.0-14 - Migrate to SPDX license format
2023-07-14 Sandro Mani <manisandro at gmail dot com> - 4.7.0-13 - Rebuild (tesseract)
2023-07-07 Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka at fedoraproject dot org> - 4.7.0-12 - Drop openni support on i686 as it is no longer available
2023-07-03 Python Maint <python dash maint at redhat dot com> - 4.7.0-11 - Rebuilt for Python 3.12
2023-06-12 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart at gmail dot com> - 4.7.0-10 - Rebuilt for libdc1394
2023-06-12 Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart at gmail dot com> - 4.7.0-9 - Upstream commit to fix rhbz#2190013
2023-05-13 Sérgio Basto <sergio at serjux dot com> - 4.7.0-8 - The %ldconfig_scriptlets macro can be removed on all Fedoras. Possibly also on EPEL 8. But it is required on EPEL 7. - Install egg-info in python3_sitearch to stay in same location as the rest of python
2023-05-13 Sérgio Basto <sergio at serjux dot com> - 4.7.0-7 - Install python egg-info - Fix patch warning - Obsolete python2 < 4.8.0 (if someone want use an external python2 version}



  • cmake(OpenCV)
  • cmake(opencv)
  • opencv-devel
  • opencv-devel(x86-64)
  • pkgconfig(opencv)
  • pkgconfig(opencv4)


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