Fedora Packages

ocaml-dune-doc-1.11.0-4.el8 in Fedora EPEL 8

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Date Author Change
2019-11-22 Andy Li <andy at onthewings dot net> - 1.11.0-4 - Remove unused BuildRequires on ocaml-result.
2019-08-16 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat dot com> - 1.11.0-3 - OCaml 4.08.1 (final) rebuild.
2019-08-09 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat dot com> - 1.11.0-2 - Work around nodynlink issue on armv7. https://github.com/ocaml/dune/issues/2527
2019-08-08 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat dot com> - 1.11.0-1 - New version 1.11.0 (also required for camomile 1.0.2).
2019-08-06 Ben Rosser <rosser dot bjr at gmail dot com> - 1.10.0-5 - Install dune libraries. Add new ocaml-dune subpackage (rhbz#1737414).
2019-07-31 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat dot com> - 1.10.0-4 - OCaml 4.08.1 (rc2) rebuild.
2019-07-25 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 1.10.0-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild
2019-06-27 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat dot com> - 1.10.0-2 - OCaml 4.08.0 (final) rebuild.
2019-06-16 Andy Li <andy at onthewings dot net> - 1.10.0-1 - Updated to latest upstream release (#1715394).
2019-05-16 Andy Li <andy at onthewings dot net> - 1.9.3-1 - Updated to latest upstream release (#1705660).



  • ocaml-dune-doc


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