Fedora Packages

notmuch-mutt-0.36-5.el9 in Fedora EPEL 9

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Date Author Change
2022-09-23 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.36-5 - test: increase cffi timeout
2022-06-25 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.36-4 - build notmuch with sfsexp
2022-06-14 Python Maint <python dash maint at redhat dot com> 0.36-3 - Rebuilt for Python 3.11
2022-04-27 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.36-2 - add explicit dependency of bindings on notmuch nvr
2022-04-25 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.36-1 - rebase with upstream release 0.36 (bz #2075939)
2022-04-17 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.36~rc1-1 - rebase with upstream release candidate 0.36~rc1 (bz #2075939)
2022-04-15 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.36~rc0-1 - rebase with upstream release candidate 0.36~rc0 (bz #2075813)
2022-02-16 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.35-2 - enable the test suite
2022-02-06 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.35-1 - rebase with upstream release 0.35
2022-01-30 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.35~rc0-1 - rebase with upstream release candidate 0.35~rc0 (bz #2030690)


  • notmuch-mutt


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