Fedora Packages

notmuch-mutt-0.35-2.el8 in Fedora EPEL 8

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Date Author Change
2022-02-16 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.35-2 - enable the test suite
2022-02-06 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.35-1 - rebase with upstream release 0.35
2022-01-30 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.35~rc0-1 - rebase with upstream release candidate 0.35~rc0 (bz #2030690)
2022-01-27 Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka at fedoraproject dot org> 0.34.3-3 - F-36: rebuild against ruby31
2022-01-20 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> 0.34.3-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild
2022-01-09 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.34.3-1 - rebase with upstream release 0.34.3
2021-12-18 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.34.2-3 - switch to modern spec macros
2021-12-17 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.34.2-2 - stop catering to ancient releases
2021-12-09 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.34.2-1 - rebase with upstream release 0.34.2
2021-12-09 Michael J Gruber <mjg at fedoraproject dot org> 0.34.1-2 - reduce build requirements


  • notmuch-mutt


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