Fedora Packages

mysql-test-8.0.39-1.fc41 in Fedora 41

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2024-08-10 Michal Schorm <mschorm at redhat dot com> - 8.0.39-1 - Rebase to MySQL 8.0.39
2024-07-18 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 8.0.37-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_41_Mass_Rebuild
2024-06-12 Michal Schorm <mschorm at redhat dot com> - 8.0.37-3 - Bump release for package rebuild
2024-06-09 Michal Schorm <mschorm at redhat dot com> - 8.0.37-2 - Bump release for package rebuild
2024-04-18 Lars Tangvald <lars dot tangvald at oracle dot com> - 8.0.37-1 - Update to MySQL 8.0.37 - Remove some legacy cmake options
2024-04-16 Michal Schorm <mschorm at redhat dot com> - 8.0.36-5 - Fix my.cnf dependency for Flatpak builds
2024-02-19 Honza Horak <hhorak at redhat dot com> - 8.0.36-4 - Do not provide community-mysql* symbols if alternative
2024-02-05 Lukas Javorsky <ljavorsk at redhat dot com> - 8.0.36-3 - Apply demodularization - the default stream builds mysql.rpm - the non-default stream builds mysqlX.XX.rpm
2024-01-31 Honza Horak <hhorak at redhat dot com> - 8.0.36-2 - Use signal to flush logs when rotating
2024-01-31 Lukas Javorsky <ljavorsk at redhat dot com> - 8.0.36-1 - Rebase to version 8.0.36


  • community-mysql-test
  • community-mysql-test(x86-64)
  • mysql-test
  • mysql-test(x86-64)
  • mysql-test-any
  • mysql8.0-test
  • mysql8.0-test(x86-64)


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