Fedora Packages

mirrorbrain-doc-2.18.1-2.el7 in EPEL 7

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2015-05-17 Ville Skyttä <ville dot skytta at iki dot fi> - 2.18.1-2 - Build and install HTML docs instead of doc sources, mark licenses as %license
2014-02-04 Andrea Veri <averi at fedoraproject dot org> 2.18.1-1 - New upstream release.
2014-01-24 Andrea Veri <averi at fedoraproject dot org> 2.17.0-4 - EPEL7: drop the if statement for the correct apxs path, RHEL 7 is shipping the apxs binary in the same path as Fedora.
2013-12-05 Andrea Veri <averi at fedoraproject dot org> 2.17.0-3 - Added a note about what files are licensed under the ASL 2.0. - Moved shadow-utils as a Require(pre) - Add a zsync_modified_version patch, we're shipping zsync.so on python_sitearch/mb given this specific zsync release just contains the code needed for the checksums to happen.
2013-12-05 Andrea Veri <averi at fedoraproject dot org> 2.17.0-2 - Make use of optflags. - Don't mix $-style and . - Make sure each package depends on the base package. - Put the docs that exceed 1M on their own package. - Fix permissions on the python-mb's files.
2013-11-28 Andrea Veri <averi at fedoraproject dot org> 2.17.0-1 - First package release.



  • mirrorbrain-doc
  • mirrorbrain-doc(x86-64)


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