Fedora Packages

llvm9.0-9.0.1-9.el7 in EPEL 7

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2020-05-19 Josh Stone <jistone at redhat dot com> - 9.0.1-9 - Fix big-endian miscompilation in rustc, rhbz#1837660
2020-02-26 Josh Stone <jistone at redhat dot com> - 9.0.1-8 - Copy gating tests from llvm8.0
2020-02-24 Josh Stone <jistone at redhat dot com> - 9.0.1-7 - Fix a codegen bug for Rust
2020-02-04 sguelton@redhat.com - 9.0.1-6 - Sync specfile with llvm9.0 package
2020-01-29 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 9.0.1-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild
2020-01-21 Tom Stellard <tstellar at redhat dot com> - 9.0.1-4 - Rebuild after previous build failed to strip binaries
2020-01-17 Tom Stellard <tstellar at redhat dot com> - 9.0.1-3 - Add explicit Requires from sub-packages to llvm-libs
2020-01-10 Tom Stellard <tstellar at redhat dot com> - 9.0.1-2 - Fix crash with kernel bpf self-tests
2019-12-19 tstellar@redhat.com - 9.0.1-1 - 9.0.1 Release
2019-11-25 sguelton@redhat.com - 9.0.0-4 - Activate AVR on all architectures



  • llvm(major)
  • llvm9.0
  • llvm9.0(x86-64)


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