Fedora Packages

python3-imgcreate-31.0-1.el9 in Fedora EPEL 9

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2022-06-15 Neal Gompa <ngompa at fedoraproject dot org> - 1:31.0-1 - Release 31.0 (neal) - imgcreate/creator.py: fix SELinux unmount order (3526918+cbs228) - livecd-iso-to-disk: Remove useless test to fix issue #237 (fgrose) - imgcreate/kickstart.py: correct setfiles relabeling (3526918+cbs228) - fs.py: Avoid bind mounting an existing file target. (fgrose)
2022-06-13 Python Maint <python dash maint at redhat dot com> - 1:30.0-2 - Rebuilt for Python 3.11
2022-04-26 Neal Gompa <ngompa at fedoraproject dot org> - 1:30.0-1 - Release 30.0 (ngompa13) - imgcreate/fs.py: abort on hard-unmount failure (lersek) - imgcreate/util: Fix errors import (T-vK) (#2078710)
2022-04-24 Neal Gompa <ngompa at fedoraproject dot org> - 1:29.0-1 - Release 29.0 (ngompa13) - Makefile: Drop creating signed tags (ngompa13) - Preload the libnss_systemd library (#2007045) (sergey) - livecd-iso-to-disk, editliveos: Add option to skip macboot.img processing. (fgrose) - Copy 'unicode.pf2' from correct path (zhanggyb) - editliveos: Refresh vmlinuz & initrd.img files upon kernel updates. (fgrose) - livecd-iso-to-disk & editliveos: Preserve extra-kernel-args from source. (fgrose) - add livenet dracut module to allow for pxe boot (sobjerke) - switch from authconfig to authselect (pbrezina) - live.py: Support either /images or /isolinux directories for efi images. (fgrose) - livecd-iso-to-disk & editliveos: Expand partitioning & filesystem support (fgrose) - make live image the default boot option (sobjerke) - Modernize detection of checkisomd5 (m.novosyolov)
2022-01-20 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 1:28.3-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild
2022-01-11 Neal Gompa <ngompa at fedoraproject dot org> - 1:28.3-4 - Backport fix for finding unicode grub2 font file (rhbz#2037096)
2021-08-23 Pavel Březina <pbrezina at redhat dot com> - 1:28.3-3 - Switch from authconfig to authselect (rhbz#1982159)
2021-07-22 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 1:28.3-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild
2021-06-27 Neal Gompa <ngompa13 at gmail dot com> - 1:28.3-1 - Release 28.3 (ngompa13) - imgcreate/live: Make EFI packages optional for x86 (ngompa13) - Fix missync of locations of efiboot.img (m.novosyolov) - mkdir isolinux on aarch64 (m.novosyolov) - Fix check if EFI bootloader exists (m.novosyolov)
2021-06-26 Neal Gompa <ngompa13 at gmail dot com> - 1:28.2-1 - Release 28.2 (ngompa13) - rearrange xorrisofs options to make image efi bootable (sobjerke) - place efiboot.img and macboot.img in /isolinux (sobjerke) - Remove duplicate sentence (35056002+BessieTheCookie)


  • python-imgcreate
  • python3-imgcreate
  • python3-imgcreate(x86-64)
  • python3.9-imgcreate


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