Fedora Packages

doxygen2man-2.0.6-3.el9 in Fedora EPEL 9

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
🠗 Changelog
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Date Author Change
2023-01-25 Carl George <carl at george dot computer> - 2.0.6-3 - Sync with RHEL 9 libqb - Relax libqb dependency to work on RHEL9 or C9
2022-10-13 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca at fedoraproject dot org> - 2.0.3-10 - Convert to dist-git layout - Rename to libqb-epel - Drop libqb subpackage as it's shipped in AppStream
2022-03-04 Christine Caulfield <ccaulfie at redhat dot com> 2.0.3-10 - Fix silly typo in spec file Resolves: rhbz#2057527
2022-03-04 Christine Caulfield <ccaulfie at redhat dot com> 2.0.3-9 - Bump version to try a build for rhel-9.0.0 Resolves: rhbz#2057527
2022-03-03 Christine Caulfield <ccaulfie at redhat dot com> 2.0.3-8 - Fix negative errno in qb_ipcc_connect (introduced in 2.0.3-4) Resolves: rhbz#2057527
2022-01-19 Christine Caulfield <ccaulfie at redhat dot com> 2.0.3-7 - Bump soname for async-connect API addition Resolves: rhbz#bz2031865
2022-01-10 Christine Caulfield <ccaulfie at redhat dot com> 2.0.3-6 - Fix gating.yaml for RHEL-9 Resolves: rhbz#bz2031865
2022-01-10 Christine Caulfield <ccaulfie at redhat dot com> 2.0.3-5 - Add gating.yaml from RHEL Resolves: rhbz#bz2031865
2022-01-07 Christine Caulfield <ccaulfie at redhat dot com> 2.0.3-4 - Add async connect call for Pacemaker Resolves: rhbz#bz2031865
2021-08-09 Mohan Boddu <mboddu at redhat dot com> - 2.0.3-3 - Rebuilt for IMA sigs, glibc 2.34, aarch64 flags Related: rhbz#1991688


  • doxygen2man
  • doxygen2man(x86-64)


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