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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date | Author | Change |
2025-01-17 | Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 3.7.7-2 | - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_42_Mass_Rebuild |
2024-11-05 | Lukas Javorsky <ljavorsk at redhat dot com> - 3.7.7-1 | - Rebase to 3.7.7 |
2024-09-24 | Lukas Javorsky <ljavorsk at redhat dot com> - 3.7.6-1 | - Rebase to 3.7.6 |
2024-09-23 | Lukas Javorsky <ljavorsk at redhat dot com> - 3.7.5-2 | - Add Patch0002 to fix the failing tar test and the bug that it identified |
2024-09-16 | Lukas Javorsky <ljavorsk at redhat dot com> - 3.7.5-1 | - Rebase to version 3.7.5 - Patch 0002 upstreamed |
2024-07-18 | Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 3.7.4-3 | - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_41_Mass_Rebuild |
2024-06-06 | Lukas Javorsky <ljavorsk at redhat dot com> - 3.7.4-2 | - Fix CVE-2024-20696 - Resolves: rhbz#2290449 |
2024-04-29 | Lukas Javorsky <ljavorsk at redhat dot com> - 3.7.4-1 | - Rebase to version 3.7.4 |
2024-04-08 | Lukas Javorsky <ljavorsk at redhat dot com> - 3.7.3-1 | - Rebase to version 3.7.3 |
2024-01-25 | Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 3.7.2-3 | - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild |