Fedora Packages

kf6-knewstuff-6.7.0-1.fc41 in Fedora 41

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
🠗 Changelog
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Date Author Change
2024-10-04 Steve Cossette <farchord at gmail dot com> - 6.7.0-1 - 6.7.0
2024-09-16 Steve Cossette <farchord at gmail dot com> - 6.6.0-1 - 6.6.0
2024-08-10 Steve Cossette <farchord at gmail dot com> - 6.5.0-1 - 6.5.0
2024-07-18 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 6.4.0-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_41_Mass_Rebuild
2024-07-06 Marc Deop i Argemí <marcdeop at fedoraproject dot org> - 6.4.0-1 - 6.4.0
2024-06-01 Marc Deop i Argemí <marcdeop at fedoraproject dot org> - 6.3.0-1 - 6.3.0
2024-05-04 Marc Deop i Argemí <marcdeop at fedoraproject dot org> - 6.2.0-1 - 6.2.0
2024-04-10 Marc Deop i Argemí <marcdeop at fedoraproject dot org> - 6.1.0-1 - 6.1.0
2024-03-10 Alessandro Astone <ales dot astone at gmail dot com> - 6.0.0-4 - Backport patch to install popup
2024-03-09 Marie Loise Nolden <loise at kde dot org> - 6.0.0-3 - add missing BuildArch: noarch to -doc package


  • application()
  • application(org.kde.knewstuff-dialog6.desktop)
  • kf6-knewstuff
  • kf6-knewstuff(x86-64)
  • libKF6NewStuffCore.so.6()(64bit)
  • libKF6NewStuffWidgets.so.6()(64bit)
  • libnewstuffqmlplugin.so()(64bit)
  • libnewstuffqmlpluginprivate.so()(64bit)
  • qt6qml(org.kde.newstuff)
  • qt6qml(org.kde.newstuff.private)


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