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Date | Author | Change |
2024-09-14 | Takao Fujiwara <tfujiwar at redhat dot com> - 1.5.16-15 | - tests: Update packages with comps-f41 - Add base-graphical - Add fonts default - Delete libcanberra-gtk3, libproxy-duktape - Delete tmt for RHEL CI |
2024-09-13 | Takao Fujiwara <tfujiwar at redhat dot com> - 1.5.16-14 | - Replace STI with TMT in CI |
2024-09-13 | Takao Fujiwara <tfujiwar at redhat dot com> - 1.5.16-13 | - Support GNOME Wayland and GTK4 in CI |
2024-09-12 | Takao Fujiwara <tfujiwar at redhat dot com> - 1.5.16-12 | - Revert change of "Fix CI freeze" (c89a603) |
2024-09-12 | Takao Fujiwara <tfujiwar at redhat dot com> - 1.5.16-11 | - Delete CI with STI |
2024-09-12 | Takao Fujiwara <tfujiwar at redhat dot com> - 1.5.16-10 | - Update required packages in CI - adobe-source-code-pro-fonts is no longer available in RHEL10 - dnf and git do not work after systemd-oomd-defaults is installed |
2024-07-18 | Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 1.5.16-9 | - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_41_Mass_Rebuild |
2024-05-16 | Takao Fujiwara <tfujiwar at redhat dot com> - 1.5.16-8 | - Enahnce str-commit-final in CI |
2024-05-15 | Takao Fujiwara <tfujiwar at redhat dot com> - 1.5.16-7 | - Separate Fedora specific packages in CI |
2024-05-12 | Takao Fujiwara <tfujiwar at redhat dot com> - 1.5.16-6 | - Fix CI freeze |