Fedora Packages

dracut-tools-103-3.fc41 in Fedora 41

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2024-11-27 Pavel Valena <pvalena at redhat dot com> - 103-3 - fix(systemd-networkd): remove basename dependency
2024-11-26 Pavel Valena <pvalena at redhat dot com> - 103-2 - Update to dracut 103. - build: enable dracut-cpio binary - feat(fips-crypto-policies): make c-p follow FIPS mode automatically - fix(fips-crypto-policies): make it depend on fips dracut module - build: package fips-crypto-policies module
2024-10-31 Manuel Fombuena <fombuena at outlook dot com> - 102-4 - fix(pcsc): add libpcsclite_real.so.*
2024-07-17 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 102-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_41_Mass_Rebuild
2024-07-13 Pavel Valena <pvalena at redhat dot com> - 102-2 - Fixes for rhbz#2276271, rhbz#2295215
2024-06-28 Pavel Valena <pvalena at redhat dot com> - 102-1 - Update to dracut 102.
2024-05-16 Pavel Valena <pvalena at redhat dot com> - 101-1 - Update to dracut 101.
2024-04-26 Adam Williamson <awilliam at redhat dot com> - 060-2 - Backport fix to pull in required libs for systemd (dracut-ng PR #118) - Backport fix to move hook directory for systemd (dracut-ng PR #194)
2024-03-20 Pavel Valena <pvalena at redhat dot com> - 060-1 - Update to dracut 060.
2024-02-12 Pavel Valena <pvalena at redhat dot com> - 059-22 - Remove network-legacy module.



  • dracut-tools
  • dracut-tools(x86-64)


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