Fedora Packages

cppad-devel-20220000.4-1.el8 in Fedora EPEL 8

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Date Author Change
2022-05-21 Brad Bell <bradbell at seanet dot com> - 20220000.4-1 - Advance to upstream 20220000.4. Main motivation for this is to make cppad_eigen.hpp work with Eigen 3.4.0.
2022-02-14 Brad Bell <bradbell at seanet dot com> - 20220000.1-1 - Not necessary to advance to 20220000.2 because Fedora build is getting correct result for cppad.pc.
2022-02-02 Brad Bell <bradbell at seanet dot com> - 20220000.1-1 - Try commenting out to_string test of long double on ppc56le arch. This problem does not reproduce on ppc64le-test.fedorainfracloud.org.
2022-02-01 Brad Bell <bradbell at seanet dot com> - 20220000.1-1 - Modify to_string.cpp patch to print out more information on failure. - Add simple program to print machine epsilon before any other testing.
2022-01-31 Brad Bell <bradbell at seanet dot com> - 20220000.1-1 - Fix following long standing typos in cmake command: - 1. cppad_test_vector -> cppad_testvector - 2. cppad_max_num_theads -> cppad_max_num_threads - Temporary change to debug ppc64le build failure: replace to_string.cpp - Replace temporary change by a patch to example/utility/to_string.cpp
2022-01-24 Brad Bell <bradbell at seanet dot com> - 20220000.1-1 - Advance to upstream source 20220000.1 - Add -Wno-array-bounds to compiler flags (see remarks about this flag)
2022-01-19 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 20210000.7-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild
2021-08-02 Brad Bell <bradbell at seanet dot com> - 20210000.7-1 - Advance to upstream source 20210000.7
2021-07-21 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 20210000.5-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild
2021-03-07 Brad Bell <bradbell at seanet dot com> - 20210000.5-2 - Remove %debug_package (not necessary to create debug info). - Use %setup to unpack tarballs (sets premissions properly). - Add comments about using %clean to check BUILDROOT.


  • coin-or-cppad
  • coin-or-cppad-devel
  • cppad
  • cppad-devel
  • cppad-devel(x86-64)
  • libcppad_lib.so.3.0()(64bit)
  • pkgconfig(cppad)


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